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Catchment Basin Type B | Archimedes Water Play Equipment | Stainless Steel | Water Playground Equipment | Water Park

Catchment Basin Type B | Archimedes Water Play Equipment | Stainless Steel | Water Playground Equipment | Water Park
Catchment Basin Type B | Archimedes Water Play Equipment | Stainless Steel | Water Playground Equipment | Water ParkCatchment Basin Type B | Archimedes Water Play Equipment | Stainless Steel | Water Playground Equipment | Water Park

Catchment Basin Type B | Archimedes Water Play Equipment | Stainless Steel | Water Playground Equipment | Water Park

Catchment basin type B in water play equipment are designed to collect water flow and direct it through a single outlet.
Water Play Equipment
JEGOPLAY Playground Equipment Manufacturer
Catchment basin type B
Age Appropriate
3-10 Years Old
Stainless Steel
Play In Water
Water Play Equipment
Update Time
Mar 10,2025
Detail Information
Catchment Basin Type B
Water play equipment, addressing the timeless fascination children have with water, is designed to engage them actively in experiencing and contemplating the dynamics of water flow. Our main objective is to stimulate children's curiosity about the physical properties of water movement through a variety of water play setups, which include rotating mechanisms, lifting valves, and control components that allow them to manipulate water flow. Additionally, catchment basin type B is integral to these systems, serving to collect and channel water flow into a single outlet, ensuring a controlled and focused water play experience.
custom water play garden
custom water play garden
custom water play garden
Product name or product number
Catchment basin type B
City parks, shopping centers, amusement parks, schools, residential areas, hotels, resorts, designers
Applicable age range
3-12 years old
Play in water
The manner of movement or play
Play in water
Product dimensions
Material Distinction
Stainless steel
Warranty period
2 years
Sales attributes
Stock in stock
Real Scene Pictures
custom water play garden
custom water play garden
custom water play garden
custom water play garden
custom water play garden

Instructions for use:

Type B catchment basins in water play equipment are designed to collect water flow and direct it through a single outlet.

Combination Suggestion:

1. Mix and match various stainless steel water features as desired;

2. Utilize natural slopes and the height differences of your equipment to direct water flow effectively;

3. Feel free to consult us for personalized combinations tailored to your needs.


1. Not running or playing around the equipment to avoid collisions and injuries;

2. Do not place sand, gravel, and other debris in the container to prevent clogging;

3. Standing on the equipment is not allowed. 

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